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Please see below for an 8th grade lesson on the Legislative Branch!

Please see below for an 8th grade lesson on the Judicial Branch!

Late Assignments


Assignments will be deducted ten percent for each day late for a maximum of three days. 

At that point the assignment will be given half-credit. After three days, late assignments will not be accepted.


Make-up Work due to Absence


Missing assignments, due to absence, are considered homework and are expected to be completed within a time equal to the number of school days missed, unless other arrangements are made with the student’s teacher(s).


Upon returning to school, the student should contact the teacher, at the teacher’s convenience, and arrange for any appropriate make-up work.


If class notes for missed work are necessary to complete the homework, students are expected to secure the notes on their own or asking another student, staff-member, or parent to copy them on the AIS copier.


Correcting Papers


From time to time I will offer students a chance to redo questions on assignments that they missed, or didn't fill in on a worksheet. I will write something along the lines of "Fix" or "Try again" and ask them to turn in the assignment again without penalty. 


Test Retakes


It happens. Sometimes we need to retake a test. 


Students are allowed to retake tests a week after the initial exam, with a maximum possible score of 80%.





Academic Honesty

Much of what we will be doing in both the core History classes and elective classes this year will involve academic research and persuasive writing. It is vital to the critical thinking process that students learn how to use historical facts by citing them and then offer their own thoughts in terms of analyzing that material. 

Plagiarism will be dealt with according to Ashbrook’s policy and in cooperation with the school principal. In general, a first offense will result in a failed assignment and a talk with me. Any further offense, whether in the same school year or subsequent year, will bring stronger consequences.


This includes:

  • Cutting and pasting from websites and presenting material without citation

  • Copying others’ writing or homework

  • Sharing answers during exams


I will support the avoidance of plagiarism by designing assignment that are unique and based on our specific class studies. I will also teach citation making and research skills. However, the onus is ultimately on the student to take responsibility for his/her academic integrity.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Be Safe

* Immediately follow teacher & staff directions

* Follow school rules & expectations

* Observe classroom rules

* Ask questions or seek help if needed

* Listen to the teacher

Be Respectful

* Be a part of the solution

* Treat others courteously with both actions and words

* Be thoughtful of feelings and ideas of other students and staff

* Treat others with different ideas fairly

* Include everyone!

Be Responsible

* Be on time

* Have all your necessary materials and homework 

* Get right to work & use time well 

* Do quality work and complex thinking 

* Take responsibility for your own choices and actions

Please see below for an 8th grade lesson on the Executive Branch! 


Please see below for my presentation on Orbitals!

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